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Get rid of your to-do list and create a to be list!

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Instead of having a to do list what about creating a to be list, would that make life more meaningful?

First of all, how are we showing up for ourselves?

  • Am I listening to myself

  • Am I aware of my needs

  • Am I able to express them in a kind manner

  • Is my self talk kind to me

  • Am I soothing myself in emotional situations

  • Am I understanding the connection between my emotions and thought process

  • Am I behaving in a way that is beneficial to me and kind to others

  • Am I able to say no and create boundaries around my values

  • Am I aware of my values

  • Am I living with virtue and do I have my own ethical standards

  • Am i aware of my connection to life force, the essence of life

  • Am I able to detach myself from the chatter in my mind

  • Am I accepting of myself without expectation

An interesting list for ones self awareness, but are we aware socially?

Self aware person
create your to be list

The natural world can look after herself but we need to be respecting and loving her as we are connected to her even if we are not aware of that, we are connected to the whole universe and our being alive effects it as it effects us on many levels, whether we are aware or not!

So how socially aware are we?

  • Am I listening to others

  • Am I aware of others needs

  • Am I allowing others to express themselves

  • Am I speaking kindly to others

  • Am I soothing others in emotional states

  • Am I striving to understand others

  • Am I behaving kindly to others and true to myself

  • Am I accepting others no and boundaries

  • Am I understanding others values

  • Am I making the effort to understand different beliefs and cultures while being myself

  • Am I accepting of others without expectation

I believe that if we all became aware of ourselves on this level then things would start to run a lot more smoothly and peacefully in the world, better communication and connection in families and business, politics, all levels of society.

It takes some time, my personal growth has been a journey of 35 years but I wish i had been aware of many methods earlier on, so I could of been aware of generational trauma, the strategies we adopt as children and take into adult life and the communication styles we adopt which don't serve us as adults, there is so much to relearn but i find it fascinating and I hope you do to.

If you would like to know more and come on a learning journey join the growth hub for a year, its full of awareness workbooks on different areas of our being, I will be doing live workshops one will shortly be coming up, "The foundation of great communication" I'm currently making some video courses and its growing all the time, I am also an Ayurvedic therapist and you can find out how to balance yourself on a constitutional level and some useful health tips. join us at sarahlifecoach growth hub click the button.



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