What does Christmas signify? In Christian culture, it represents the birth of Christ.
In the 1600s, many churches in England, particularly among the Puritans, disapproved of such celebrations for 13 years, and this sentiment extended for 20 years in America. The reason was the association of these festivities with Roman Catholic and earlier pagan traditions, symbolizing the shortening of nights following the winter solstice. These celebrations included activities such as candle lighting and caroling, known as Saturnalia.
The Christmas tree has pagan origins, symbolizing eternal light and life. Christmas celebrations were reinstated in the late 1600s with the restoration of the Monarchy and the Anglican Church.
Authors like Irving and Dickens offered us a vision of Christmas in the 1800s, emphasizing goodwill towards all and family values. Dickens, in particular, had a profound understanding of various societal levels and the joys and struggles experienced by all, a perspective that remains relevant today.
In ancient times, it was customary to exchange small gifts of food or crafts, or simply share whatever was available at dinner, inviting others into the home for celebration and camaraderie.
The Industrial Revolution initiated a shift towards materialism, evident in the United States as early as 1890.
The so-called "War on Christmas," like any cultural conflict, is often fueled by individuals seeking power.
It has been suggested that the church aimed to guide the unruly pagan masses towards a tradition centered on family values and goodwill.

It is evident that various aspects of our lives, including traditions, family relationships, and events, are closely linked to our memories and the beliefs we have formed around them. For instance, if we hold cherished memories of Christmas, it is likely due to the presence of a loving family that made it a tradition. This concept applies to any cultural tradition, regardless of one's beliefs about Christmas.
For some Christmas can be a stressful time of the year as the festivities are fixed and so the difficult memories come to haunt us every year.
What are your memories and beliefs about Christmas or other family traditions?
What emotions come up for you?
How is that affecting your wellbeing?
We are holding regular workshops about limiting beliefs that hold us back from really enjoying life, if you are interested in joining us please feel free to contact us. Happy Holidays!