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Celebrate your wins!

We have a dream to build community, trust and togetherness back into our society as there is a massive need.

I am part of a project to do just that and we are doing it by creating events involving artists of all types to come together and perform, recently we finished our space which needed a wooden floor. We recycled one from a shop that was closing buisness and the lady was so joyful when we told her what it would be used for, everything in this house has been recycled, furniture, heating, flooring and objects in the house, the tiles were odds and ends that would have ended up on a dump and we have had the blissing of artists that put them together beautifully, most of the work was done in exchange as we had a small budget.

Last night was the first event and opening party, it was a completely openhouse, we had an Atelier for children to express their musical talent from the heart with Franca Oethiemer who is the owner and resident voice therapist, music facilitator for children and counsellor.

We followed with a photo exhibition " The symphony of Maremma" by Matthew Day a wonderful collection of suggestive nature pictures of the area, followed by a pot luck supper, where everyone contributed a speciality of their kitchen, which i always love.

An hour passed and followed with the great pleasure of the contribution of two amazing artists, Alessio Manini on the piano and Francesca Giorgi singing lyrics.

The relaxed Atmosphere, the openness, the community spirit was truly felt and alot of people were truly grateful for it, this is what i was aware of and this is what we want to create.

Me, Sarah, i will be doing classes of presence and how to go beyond what ever is blocking it, meditation, breathing, Ayurveda and what ever i can think of for children, the most important part of society.

I would say our first evening was a great success, we could see it on the faces of the people present which for me says it all and we celebrate that, we put together an amazing collaborative effort using the skills we all have and we celebrate that.

Do you celebrate your wins?

More important, do you recognise your wins or do you only see fault in what you do?

How confident are you about your efforts?

if not, what can you do to change that?


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