I have assisted in many chats recently, where people are saying that, "it's not about beliefs" "we don't create our situations" "our emotions are our emotions" we don't need a therapist, ect ect.
I have had a long journey of spiritual growth, 30 years, slowly because I did life in between, 3 kids, disfunctional relationships etc, trying to find the meaning of life, trying to understand why I didn't have the perfect relationship.
I related to the vedic principles, they are just so natural and rang true to me, to me! but it wasn't what I was seeing in the world, I was realising that I naturally functioned well with these principles yet there was always something missing.
I made the decision and said out loud," I want to change" because I was starting to see how my behaviour of pleasing everyone and not myself, was affecting all of us.
That was my trip, my deep dive, I can't even start to explain everything that happened to me, maybe in a book, I came out on the other side, alone, all by myself.
There were moments I really needed someone to talk to, moments I didn't want to be here, I didn't know what the f..k was going on or going to happen but fortunately I had FAITH

As I came out of all of that, felt better. I started a new relationship, new job and then other issues happened, burnout from excessive work, worry for my kids, perimenopause and became very very anxious, I was a mess again, I thought I had gone through the worst and it was all back again, in a slightly different way only I was suffering even more. I didn't know why all of this was happening, what have I done wrong, beating myself up again.
Much as I love my family, I decided to let go, I decided to allow them all to have there own experiences and asked for protection for all of them but I was only going to look after myself from now on, I was suffering from excessive caring for others, the world, I needed to understand that everything was in divine order.
That's when I decided to study Cognitive behavioural Therapy, I knew that my mind, my thinking and behaviour had a lot to do with what I was going through, I could see it in others and I wanted to know how to handle it, how to ask the right questions that wouldn't trigger people.
I have studied a lot in the last 6 years, all my life but Modern applied psychology last.
People have a lot to say about a lot of things, I had to go into my intuition and ask for the way to be shown to me, this is where I was led according to my needs, our mind predict everything in our lives if we don't learn how to tame it and unravel the puzzle, unlearn the limiting beliefs, bias and distortions that are there and they model our reality, there are many realities and we can choose which ever we want but to do that we need to do the work, unravel our puzzle 🧩 My courses helped me, support helped me, consciously changing helped me, workshops helped me, it all depends on your belief about that!
Speaking from experience and action taken!
This is your mission here on earth, we are all here to create something better.
With love💕 Sarah