Since I was a child I have always felt like a bystander an observer if you like, I have never felt like I fitted in to what was going on around me and alot of the time I was looking to see if there was a space where I fitted in to the puzzle of things, for brief moments I have felt that but then some event always seemed to change everything and again I was out there observing.
For much of my life I have felt like I was waiting and I think that was due to the fact that something was inevitably going to happen and it usually does.
I realised that I was a seeker, looking for the meaning of life! and because that is what I was doing I have had many different experiences and opportunities for growth which started with my love and connection to the natural world and natural medicine and then into Ayurveda which satisfied my spiritual, mystical essence and I could give a good start for my kids.

Through my kids struggling with existential issues I found my self empathising too much and with a deep sence of incapacity to help them so I decided to study CBT so that I could have the skills to help them and anyone else struggling with the same issues.
Learning that our mind actually has alot of tricks like cognititve distortions and limiting beliefs and that we have a choice about how we look at that and nothing is fixed, (where focus goes energy flows) which is also what draws certain situations to us (creating our own reality) and that our surroundings mould us with cultural biases, lack of wise upbringing from our parents and guardians.
Basicly, so many things mould us, Ive learnt alot over the last 25 years in my quest to Fit in but what I have really found is that I have my own foundation of who I am and I am very comfortable in my own skin as I now understand, more or less, how I tick. I feel at peace!
I am helping other people who are maybe going through the same difficulties, to understand themselves better and find the blockages which hold them back and find some peace of mind and awareness, my offers are on the services page on my website, link below. Check out my videos on youtube @sarahlifecoach3