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I'll procrastinate my way out of anything!

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

#Procrastination what is it? A habit!

Putting things off, avoiding discomfort, probably something we learned to do when we were younger. It might be ok when you are a teenager but maybe not serve you well as an adult with many tasks to get done.

Procrastination can lead to feeling guilty for delaying or just not getting on with things that need to be done.

Don't worry it's something we have all done in our lives but we need to understand why we do it.

Today I understood mine, as a young girl my dad told me he wouldn't take me riding anymore and that I would have to catch the bus.

The thought of a rather difficult bus journey in to the countryside, on a Sunday ( I already imagined there wouldn't be a bus) all of that put me off, I felt overwhelmed by the task so I didn't even try.

I missed out.

I considered it as not being supported but maybe it was a lesson, if so, I've only just realised that this is maybe, where my procrastination comes from.

What do you think?

How are you procrastinating?

What's the best way to change that?

It can be quite easy to make excuses and procrastinate until we get into trouble for not doing what we need to do, sometimes we pleasure seek and do pleasurable things instead of more important tasks at hand.

We need to understand what is causing avoidance, where it came from and is it serving our higher purpose, continually putting things off makes us less motivated in life and we end up not living life to the full.

Reasons for Procrastinating;


Fear of failure or success

Pleasure Seeking


Lack of knowledge


What are you putting off in your life?

through a session of skilled listening we can usually reach the reasons why we procrastinate and start looking at ways to make changes in learned behaviour.

"People say nothing is impossible but i do nothing every day"

A.A Milne

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