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Lonely! why?

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

We know that loneliness is one of the biggest problems in our societies, often even people who are married or have other members of their family with them feel lonely and not understood, it is not just o problem of the singles or elderly.

There are many factors that contribute to feeling lonely and various problems in life can push us into isolation which can be a comfort zone at first but then can develop into Agoraphobia.

The latest world events have caused this kind of a situation for many people along with a great sense of fear of uncertainty.

It does not really matter what age we are we can always make choices but sometimes we make unwise choices, maybe we are procastinating or just simply using our limited beleifs and our old habits as a comfort zone to not move forward.

In order to be free, we must learn to look at and release the pain and fear, take action on changing our beliefs and old habits!

When we are older and find ourselves alone, if we haven't been used to asking for help then we can become quite isolated, we can create our own prison with our thoughts and beleifs.

"i don't want to bother them" "I don't want to impose" and alot of other excuses because we are scared to ask but also scared of change.

I think changing regularly is good practice, it keeps us on our toes, we should not get used to sameness around us as a feeling of safety, the work needs to be done inside us to release ourselves totally so that we can be anywhere with anyone and always ready for the unsuspecting change that can come at anytime so we don't freeze.

Are we choosing connection or disconnection? and if so why? what is holding us back?

Our only limitations are in our mind, our limiting thoughts and lack of action.

CBT is an amazing therapy to go beyond those limiting thoughts, I have seen so many success stories when using it, check out my offers!



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