Are you a people pleaser? do you like to do things for other people? would you say that you are a kind person?
We need to be very careful when we are nice people, passive people, we need to look at our reasons for this. Are we being nice from our heart because we want to be or do we not want to upset anyone so that they don't think we are bad, which may confirm what we really think about ourselves.
When we do things for others, are we doing it from our heart or are we expecting some kind of reward, some kind of acclaim so that we feel better about ourselves.
Do you often become overwhelmed because everyone is asking you for something which leaves you no time for yourself but you dont know how to say no!
In this case maybe it would be useful to learn how to be assertive and set up some boundaries.
All of the above can be the reason people often become overwhelmed and suffer burnout and anxiety, all because we need to start considering ourselves first, which isn't selfish by the way, we can only help others when our cup is full and overflowing not when it's empty.
So we need to become aware of the reasons we are doing too much and wanting to please everyone, where does it come from? is there a lack of something in us or do we have a limiting belief about ourselves.
Learniing boundaries is difficult at the begining because we are not used to it but after the first couple of no's it starts to become empowering.

We will find that when we learn our boundaries people have more respect for us as when we have non they just keep asking, so every thing comes from us it ìs not others taking advantage, it's us not putting our clear boundaries up.
B e aware
O f what is
U nacceptable and
N ormalize saying no.
D o what is best for you
A nd know that it's not your
R esponsibility to sacrifice
Y ourself for others
So your boundary is only a problem for those who don't know how to respect you and they are not your people. On my website if you become a yearly member through member benefits, you will gain access to workbooks for learning how to say no, assertivity and communication, please join us.