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What is Personal Growth?

Yes what is it? there is alot of information about it but what is it exactly.

Well we are all actually growing all the time, there's so much more information around now, maybe too much, as it all gets very confusing to know what to do.

There is actually no right thing to do, only what is best for us personally, what we feel most comfortable with, ideally listening to our inner voice.

We will know when there is a need to change things in our life, maybe with our health regime, our finances, our relationships, mental and emotional health, there will be signs that something is not going well for us and that is when something needs to change or we need to gain greater understanding of ourselves. Most ailments in the body are a sign that we need to change something.

I've personally been doing this for along time, choosing the spiritual path, which for me was great as i was also going through spiritual growth, different levels and i have finished for now with growth on a mental/ emotional level and at the moment absorbing all of this information to bring it all together, i truely beleive that it is already within us and we can ask our intuition to guide us.

People who are far more rational, will want more practical, reliable and specific information, based on science, which Ayurveda is, the Science of life! and biology is also a science, on which the holistic approaches have their foundations, with thousands of years of successful experience.

Life is for living and experiencing, that is how we grow, we learn from what we experience on our journey and everything that happens to us is trying to tell us something about the choices we are making, our body will tell us through ailments, our outside experiences will mirror back to us what we need to change and what we can't change personally on a world scale is trying to show us what needs to be changed on a collective level and we have responsability on all three levels physically, mentally and emotionally.

At the moment we are going through a massive shift in realising our collective consciousness and the responsability we all have in that, i think that is what has left us kind of numb and i say that because it's what alot of people have told me they are feeling. We have been very unaware of what is happening in the world and not getting involved, just allowing everything to happen but that has led us to realise exactly what is happening in many areas of our society and that has been a rude awakening, that awakening has made us look at our own lives on a deeper scale.

This is where they say everything comes from us, it is our responsability to grow.

To have fullfilment we need a purpose in life, we need to contribute to life, we all have skills and we need to bring them to the table with out fear, how we want to and not allow others to tell us how, learning needs to be volontary and useful and idealy passionate.

Many growing, balanced, passionate, creative people can change the world!

Its not an easy task, nothing is easy, it all takes alot of effort and time and work but it is so worth it,

life needs to be purposeful, lets get out of the box! Together.

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